Sunday, March 29, 2009

A "Fun" Springtime Activity

This was one of the most exciting weekends for Thomas!!! We had some mulch delivered on a Friday afternoon. It was fun to see how excited Thomas was as he watched the big truck dump the mulch! He especially loved climbing on the mountain of mulch!

Edd only had a few weekends to help around the house before he leaves for New Orleans. So we had the minimum amount of mulch delivered so we could finish up the flower beds, even though I'd already ordered some bags of mulch from the boy scouts which were supposed to be delivered that same weekend.

Turns out we had WAY TOO MUCH MULCH. Edd spread the mulch around the flower beds, I think 3 times, trying to use up the mulch that was delivered. He still had quite a bit left when the scouts showed up with our 5 bags of mulch. Wow, we were drowning in mulch!!! Our mulch from the scouts didn't show up until around 4pm on Saturday. So it was a good thing that we went ahead and got the mulch delivered.

Edd's sister, Sara, was the lucky person who benefited from our misfortune. Edd loaded up the mulch into the truck and delivered it to her the next day when we went to her house for dinner!

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