After much anticipation, we
FINALLY made it to the last day of school!!!!!
Andrew, Aimee & Mattie got up and got ready quickly...hmmm...maybe the extra excitement of summer being so close gave them the extra energy to move fast???
They were all ready and out the door super around 6:40-6:45am!!! We try to get out the door by 6:53 because Aimee and Mattie's bus comes around 6:55-7:00. To pass the time, Andrew entertained the girls!
Then we heard the
familiar rumble of the bus driving down the she comes!!! As Ms Debi, their bus driver, picked up the girls she yelled out that she was enjoying her present! :)
Andrew was next. His bus usually comes around 7:20-7:25. Thomas kept him busy until Mr Greg pulled up in front of the house!
Bethany was inside still was her first summer morning. She reported to us a few days earlier that the teachers basically told them not to come on the last day!
Bethany finally got up she commented that getting up at 7:30-8am was like sleeping in after getting up for Seminary every morning! :)
After we got some breakfast, Bethany and I took Thomas on a bike ride! We rode over to
Guste Island, which is a neighborhood close by. From the road it looks like a regular neighborhood, but just past the apartments and first neighborhood, you are greeted by the SWAMP!
Of course a Louisiana swamp has alligators, but unfortunately we didn't see any. If you want to see one check out look at "Spot the Alligator." We saw plenty of cool trees! This is one that Bethany liked...
We thought it would be fun to live over here by the swamp! :)
Here's B enjoying her first day of summer!
Once we got home, I spent the rest of the day at the sewing machine finishing up my dress to wear at the temple. I got it done just in time! :)
Meanwhile, the kids got home from school just after lunchtime!
Aimee reported that there were only 9 kids in her class!!! She and her friends helped their teacher, Mrs Dronet. They had fun spending their last day together!
Mattie was sad that school was over. She said she was really going to miss her teacher, Mrs Hanagriff!
When Andrew got home, he was ready to leave school behind and didn't give me many details.
Edd came home early and we all headed out to Baton Rouge. It was ward temple night, so Edd dropped Bethany and me off at the temple. Before we arrived at the temple, Edd drove us through the part of town where he and his family used to live!
The youth were doing baptisms for the dead. I was the only Young Women leader there so I helped hand out towels. This was the first time I got to go as a leader! :)
The rest of the gang headed over to Cabela's and had a grand adventure there! When Bethany and I were all done, Edd came and picked us back up. We went to Chick-fil-a for dinner! :) Our drive home took forever!!! We couldn't go on I-12 because it had been shut down for a day due to an accident they were still trying to clean up. So we ended up taking HWY 190, along with a ton of other cars!
We were so glad when we finally got home! It was a LONG but FUN day! :)