Life revolves around seasons...but in Louisiana the first hint of new leaves on the trees doesn't mean SPRING IS ON THE WAY...
Here is our yard flag and you need a BIG BOW for the mailbox!!!
You also need a MARDI GRAS garland around your front door!!!
and some PURPLE, GREEN AND GOLD in the flower pots too!! :)
I'd have to say, the garland turned out pretty cute! :)
Our first Mardi Gras parades were a hit!! We ventured out to the Mandeville parades with some friends from church. We had a great time...sorry no pictures of the was too dark. You'll just have to come visit next year and see for yourself have cool it is!!! :)
Thomas and his THROWS from the parade!!
Aimee scored this super long necklace...look it is almost as long as Aimee!! :)
Some of our beads sorted by color...
Some of our beads rainbow style!! :)
Some of our beads were still all bunched together like these!! :)
Mattie got some fun THROWS too!! :)
Bethany was at the end of the parade route with her friends. Here are all the bead she got!!!
It was also TOOTH FAIRY season at our house!!! Mattie, Andrew & Aimee have been loosing teeth like crazy!!!
Oh and we had VALENTINE'S DAY too!
Unfortunately, Valentine's Day sort of takes a back seat in Louisiana!!! Most people are caught up with all the MARDI GRAS festivities!!
The kids were excited for some VALENTINE'S DAY candy!
Mattie & Aimee had fun going through Thomas' VALENTINE'S DAY box with him!
This is what the top of Thomas'VALENTINE'S DAY box looked like it!! He designed it himself!! :)
The best way to celebrate the MARDI GRAS season is with KING CAKE!!! :)The KING CAKE from Manny Randazzo (above) is one of the best in town!!! The kind with cream cheese filling is our favorite!!! YUM YUM YUM!!! :)
This year we made our own!!! They turned out super yummy too!!! :)
Can't wait to do it all again next year!!! :)