Andrew had spent one afternoon, just before try-outs, practicing with his friend, LOGAN, who is in our ward. Logan was on the MJH soccer team last year! After they were done practicing together, Logan assured Andrew that he would probably make the team!
So with that confidence booster fresh in Andrew's mind, he donned Edd's old soccer cleats and went for it!!
Once I saw the competition, I was a little skeptical about whether or not Andrew could make the team...there were some BIG GUYS out there on the field. There were also some pretty SERIOUS soccer players too!!
Now, Andrew has some soccer background...he started playing when he was in 1st grade. He played until we moved to Louisiana, when Andrew was is in 5th grade.
As I sat and watched Andrew run the drills and scrimmage, I began noticing that he would slip here and there while he was running. At first I didn't think anything of it, but as it kept happening, I started to get concerned!!
When practice was over, I asked Andrew why he kept slipping. Andrew promptly showed me his cleats...well what was left of them!!! All of the spikes had disintegrated!!!!
I was in total SHOCK when I saw what was left of the cleats!!!!!!! Andrew told me that with each step he took, more and more of the sole would just be gone!! POOR KID!!!! Man, I felt so bad!!!
I mentioned that these were Edd's old cleats that Andrew had worn...well let me tell you HOW OLD...Edd bought these cleats after he brother, John, got home from his mission. John had just finished two years of being in SCOTLAND as a missionary. When he got home, he tried to convert all the brothers to the joys of soccer...since John had become quite skilled and wanted to share his new love with all the brothers. Thus, Edd was talked into buying some cleats, so Edd could be properly dressed for the friendly, brotherly games of soccer that they were bound to have!!!
Of course that was nearly 15 years ago and Edd's cleats spent most of their life "benched" on a dusty shelf in the garage!!! Until Andrew rescued them for one last glory day!! :)
So I did what any good mom would...I snapped this picture with my phone and sent it with a text about what had happened to Coach Breaux! Meanwhile, Bethany took Andrew to ACADEMY so he could get some NEW cleats!!!
Well, as you guessed, Andrew made the team!!! Andrew was one of the three 7th grader who made the team!!! :) They had a few practices and one scrimmage before Christmas. Then once we got back after Christmas break, it was our soccer whirlwind!! :) Here is their game schedule:
Madisonville Junior Boy at Coquille 4:00
Jan 6 Coquille Pitcher
13 Coquille Clearwood
17 Creekside Away
27 Coquille St Tammany - double header-St Tammany again directly after but called their home game guessing 5:20 lights
31 Clearwood Away
2-2 Coquille Creekside
2-3 Pitcher Away
Andrew would usually sit on the bench the first part of the game. About 10 minutes before half-time, Coach Breaux and her husband, would send Andrew and a couple other guys in. Andrew generated some good plays and a lot of fun!!
One of Andrew's favorite things was to head the ball!! Andrew is #9! After one of their games, Andrew told me that they played the whole 2nd half where they could only kick with their LEFT foot so the other team could have a better chance.
Here is some classic Louisiana soccer...Mr Breaux in his white shrimping boots!! :) It was threatening to rain during the whole game!! It had rained most the day, but stopped long enough to get the game in. The rain started again just as the game was almost finished.
This was the LAST SOCCER GAME...and that is ANDREW kicking in his first goal!!!! :)
Andrew was pretty excited that he made the goal!!! But he still had a pretty good game face as he ran back!! :)
Here is the team after the game is over!!! Of course it was another rainy day...both Coach Breaux and Mr Breaux have their shrimp boots on!! :)
Here is the team shot...they had a great season!! They only lost one game all season and were the DISTRICT CHAMPS!!! :)
Andrew only paused for a moment so I could get his official picture for the season!! :)
Here is their TROPHY!! It is on display in the front is the center red one! They had a big assembly a few weeks after the season ended where the team was presented the trophy by one of the district officials! Of course we are all excited and proud of Andrew and his team for all of their hard work!!