Sunday, May 15, 2011


One Sunday night a while back, Aimee wanted me to take her picture with her rainboots on. We had fun taking these. I had fun playing around with my camera too!
Even though I didn't have the settings just right, I think these pictures are cool!
These turned out better:
Aimee loves rainboots! These are the boots we got her when we first moved here, but they are getting too small. She has some new ones picked out and is wondering why it is taking so long for them to arrive!! :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


BROTHERS, best friends, buddies = Thomas and Andrew :) :)

One weekend in March ~ March 18th, the weekend after Mardi Gras, Andrew decided that he and Thomas were going to have a campout in the backyard! So Andrew got everything all ready...he got the sleeping bags out, the tent, and even the camping food...marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate!

These two boys had the time of their lives!!!
Especially Thomas!! :)

I don't remember what they had for dinner...but Andrew had it all under control! He even built the fire all by himself!

I had fun watching from inside, but had to come out and get a few pictures of their fun! :)

Once the "S'MORES" were was time for the LOUP GAROU that a loup garou foot print???
There was a full moon that night, and Thomas was a little nervous about sleeping in the tent, but he and Andrew were fast asleep, almost before I knew it!! :)
It is so fun to see Andrew and Thomas have so much fun together!

Andrew had to wait 7 LONG years...enduring 3 sisters...before he was blessed with a baby brother!!

He's been in BOY HEAVEN ever since!!
Andrew is such a great big brother!!! He has helped take care of Thomas since we came home from the hospital!
Andrew has always been willing to do anything for Thomas! Andrew will usually help Thomas get ready for bed each night, and they head upstairs together! Thomas likes to do what ever Andrew will do...even get up early on school mornings! It is so fun to watch them together!

BROTHERS, best friends, buddies = Thomas and Andrew :) :)